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EPL Player Profile

  Team: Liverpool
  Position: Forward

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Tipsters Championship
Top 100 Tipsters
 -1. topbet28 $3.08m
 2. noonelives $2.85m
 3. Dx $2.54m
 4. INVOKER777 $2.39m
 5. SWEET_AKI8888 $2.30m
 6. dixx10 $2.27m
 -7. Wombat $2.19m
 8. Sushi King $2.16m
 9. Nam Bet $2.15m
 10. OSCAR9998 $2.13m
 11. TOP FIGHTER 2… $2.10m
 12. winz888 $2.08m
 13. Edstersios $2.04m
 14. Batbaieuro202… $2.02m
 15. Eanvits $2.00m
 16. Victory Stati… $1.96m
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 18. konwufromme $1.95m
 19. tanck86 $1.94m
 20. irvanvw $1.94m
 21. Kiyani $1.94m
 22. Unitedten $1.93m
 -23. kimcii $1.92m
 24. davidtan471 $1.91m
 25. monsterlimmy $1.91m
 26. JohnsonChan $1.89m
 27. Hau1990 $1.86m
 28. luckyquyen $1.86m
 29. Fatboi85 $1.85m
 30. SOCCERAIDEN $1.83m
 31. undeadjack $1.82m
 32. hoang7121972 $1.82m
 33. laworder $1.81m
 34. waynekwek1975 $1.80m
 35. Muon59 $1.79m
 36. TingTing $1.79m
 37. wembly $1.79m
 38. SaravootDitph… $1.79m
 39. friend1459 $1.77m
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 44. davelee $1.74m
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 97. R1 $1.54m
 98. BaleBale $1.53m
 99. Skyho1009 $1.53m
 100. Nicolai $1.53m
Total Tipsters: 2066
= Big Bet Placed Today
 = Winning Streak
Top 10 EPL
1. BKBOY99 +$713k
2. tanck86 +$398k
3. Terrorist +$388k
4. locky +$362k
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6. Huy007 +$314k
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10. Costa +$293k
Top 10 Serie A
1. kopikia +$714k
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10. HostRafael +$403k
Top 10 La Liga
1. xiquay +$388k
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6. *TiPs66* +$298k
7. Huy007 +$294k
8. wembly +$280k
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10. Starman_Bo… +$280k
Top 10 Bundesliga
1. awesomeken +$848k
2. football_all +$570k
3. BookieBigBet +$482k
4. Bright66 +$428k
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10. wembly +$338k
Top 10 ELC
1. TripleX +$635k
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3. addychuah +$417k
4. Fanta. +$414k
5. gary0721 +$406k
6. Starlights +$392k
7. SG⚽TIPSTER +$374k
8. Ngọctrongđ… +$361k
9. satusen +$353k
10. JJ Racing +$351k
Top 10 Ligue 1
1. TingTing +$468k
2. kenari88 +$437k
3. poseidonpe… +$400k
4. LaNceLoRd +$396k
5. Alextan9804 +$382k
6. Aekachai +$381k
7. Hau1990 +$315k
8. Nam Bet +$300k
9. bet2fat +$289k
10. Fanta. +$283k
Top 10 Eredivisie
1. SimpleRoy +$356k
2. KIMURA +$313k
3. silverine18 +$313k
4. KoChun +$305k
5. OSCAR9998 +$296k
6. chim mía 2022 +$295k
8. Za5588 +$273k
9. sure_win_k… +$271k
10. SUITCASE +$266k
Top 10 Serie B
1. u nvr wank… +$401k
2. jAchaT +$311k
3. KKwong +$311k
4. Hazel +$311k
5. StarBookie +$311k
6. Sonleak So… +$311k
7. song_kim_chi +$311k
8. vinPetrol +$311k
9. tong sampah +$311k
10. Jan Giat Lea +$306k
Top 10 Segunda
1. jwc.tan28 +$393k
2. jasontan729 +$363k
3. Sarno766 +$354k
4. Bob_Dog +$347k
5. kok800808 +$328k
6. DHT +$321k
7. ojk@9918 +$313k
8. maphewpo +$308k
9. howcanwin +$307k
10. ong21157 +$295k
Top 10 2.Bundesliga
1. Ironmanasian +$416k
2. yahoooo +$318k
3. lstan +$318k
4. ls2u +$318k
5. hengheng8888 +$318k
6. CMD +$318k
7. TimeDotCom +$318k
8. BpSan +$313k
9. Cy1980 +$311k
10. HuatCai_Ki… +$294k
Top 10 Misc
1. matthardy +$454k
2. patricksaw +$389k
3. walcheng +$363k
4. jennyfyf +$351k
5. lojo +$351k
6. KenChan80 +$330k
7. KenChan +$330k
8. Cy1980 +$322k
9. Anonymousi… +$320k
10. udomsuk +$313k
Top 10 MLS
1. Wombat +$393k
2. AsiaBoy +$379k
3. thanhhoang_00 +$367k
4. YeeYokeWing +$355k
5. davidtan471 +$321k
6. randyfun +$316k
7. ˜”*°•.˜”*°… +$280k
8. 2 Líz +$270k
9. skyeskye +$253k
10. wembly +$245k


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 English Premier League Asian Handicap Over/Under
Home Handicap Away Over Total Under
  15/Mar  23:00 [15] Everton vs West Ham [16] 1.825 0 : 1/4 2.075 2.10 2 1/4 1.825
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 English Premier League Fixed Odds
1 X 2
15/Mar  23:00 [15] Everton vs West Ham [16] 2.14 3.16 3.73
15/Mar  23:00 [18] Ipswich vs Nottingham Forest [3] 3.87 3.57 1.95
15/Mar  23:00 [5] Manchester City vs Brighton [7] 1.75 4.12 4.23
15/Mar  23:00 [20] Southampton vs Wolverhampton [17] 3.86 3.39 2.01
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16/Mar  21:30 [2] Arsenal vs Chelsea [4] 1.82 3.68 4.32
16/Mar  21:30 [10] Fulham vs Tottenham [13] 1.98 3.80 3.50
17/Mar  03:00 [19] Leicester vs Manchester Utd [14] 4.16 3.71 1.83

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